Anti aliasing

Anti-aliasing is a process where the edges of images and fonts have pixels added to blend the edge of the item into the background.
  • With images, approaches include adjusting pixel positions so that there is a more gradual transition between the color of a line and the background color.

Without anti-aliasing, the jaggies are harshly evident.


  • Makes fonts look smoother
  • Rounded edges look round
  • Type is easier to read (for some) because it looks more like what printed type looks like
  • Some people feel it’s prettier


  • Small fonts become too fuzzy to read
  • Sharp edges may be fuzzy and not precise
  • Can’t print anti-aliased text as it comes out blurred
  • Images are generally larger
  • Type is easier to read (for some) because the blurring is reduced and the fonts are clear


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