
Spacing is about giving every piece of content its own space on the screen.

Line spacing is the space between each line in a paragraph. 

3 Text spacing Principles:

1. Horizontal spacing
  • Kerning and tracking are two terms about horizontal letter spacing.
  • Kerning is the process of adjusting the space between individual letters.

  • For the text in a web page, it’s impossible to make letter-by-letter kerning adjustments.
  • Another horizontal spacing option in CSS is provided by the word- pacing property.

Vertical spacing
  • In print design language, the vertical space between lines of text is known as leading (pronounced to rhyme with “bedding”). 
  • When there were no added spacers, the lines were said to be set “solid.”
Line height is 1.5

Text alignment

When text is justified, the letter and word spacing is automatically adjusted so that each full line of text has a word or letter that lines up against the left and right edges of the text area.

                                                  Before applying Justify alignment

                                         After applying Justify alignment

To formating line spacing:

1. Select the text you want to format

2. On the Home tab, click the Line and Paragraph Spacing command. A drop-down menu will appear.

3.   Move the mouse over the various options. Select the line spacing you want to use.

4. The line space will change the document

Paragraph spacing

This option is used to automatically create space between paragraphs.

To format paragraph spacing:

1. Select the paragraph 

2. On home tab, click on Line and paragraph spacing command. A drop-down menu will appear.

3. Select the paragraph spacing you want to use or we can type the specific spacing number by using line spacing option(for example at 5pt) 

It will arrange the line spacing 5pt between the selected paragraph lines

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